Japan Fashion is changing very fast, so get the latest trends in Japanese fashion with our customized seasonal reports. We cover apparel, shoes, bags, visual merchandising for your specific target
Increase your sales by adapting your collection to the Japanese consumers and retail trends and needs. We analyse your collection, products, delivery timing, and advise you on what items are missing in your collection
Understand who is your main target customer through our Japanese street pictures. We understand your brand target and what your customers in Japan are wearing together with your brand
We can implement very targeted benchmark on products, prices and concepts of your competitors. Our benchmarks are mostly visual and illustrated with pictures of products, shops, magazines, websites and catalogues
What is the most efficient distribution network and positioning to build your brand presence, awareness and sales in Japan on the long run ?
It is crucial for your brand to define its positioning on the market by understanding your distribution. We help you to create your brand mapping for the Japanese market
Your brand is unique. We will define together your brand DNA and assets to appeal to the well-educated Japanese consumers. History, quality, design should be clearly stated in your brand presentation and communication in order to leverage it to sales and brand image. Your marketing strategy should evolve with your brand expansion in Japan
Our tour experts will customize your visit and guide you through Tokyo. Tell us your target interests : women, men, age target, young, casual, dressy, clothing, apparel, shoes, bags, accessories, lingerie, cosmetics, visual merchandising, concepts,… and how many days you are planning to spend in Tokyo. Optimize your Shopping Tour with our expert guide www.tokyofashiontour.com
With 20 years of experience in the fashion industry in Japan, we will help you to find the right partner for your brand. After a deep screening of our contacts, we introduce you the most suitable licensees, importers, wholesalers, retailers, buyers, agents. PR or real estate agencies to successfully develop your sales and brand image on the long term